Kidney Health Awareness on World Kidney Day
Dr Varshney's Clinic feels proud to extend this awareness and tell people that kidney plays an important role in the human body. The water balance of the human body is possible only due to kidney.
Infertility disorder not letting you conceive
Infertility is not exactly a disease which can't be treated. In most of the cases, it is just a disorder of the reproductive system. It is just a matter that one partner cannot contribute to conception.
What are the symptoms of menstrual disorders?
A menstrual disorder is an abnormal condition in a woman's menstrual cycle. Menstrual disorders and their symptoms can disrupt a woman's daily life. They can also affect her ability to become pregnant.
What are the symptoms of hematuria?
Hematuria is the presence of red blood cells in the urine. It can be painful or painless. People with gross hematuria have urine that is pink, red, or brown. Even a small amount of blood in the urine can cause urine to change color.
What are the signs and symptoms of genital warts?
Genital warts are soft growths that appear on the genitals. Genital warts are common and are caused by certain types of HPV. HPV is a common sexually transmitted infection. Genital warts appear as a small bump or group of bumps in the genital area.
Narrowed Urine Pipe replaced for a Chronic Tobacco Chewer Patient.
Urine pipe was replaced by using Oral Mucosa after harvesting from both lips. Another un-common surgery was done by Dr. Piyush Varshney, Sr. Consultant Urologist & Andrologist at Fortis Hospital, Noida.
How to Get Relief From Kidney Stone Pain ?
Kidney stones are more common among males than females.Kidney stones are hard collections of salt and minerals often made up of calcium or uric acid.
33 Weeks Pregnant Patient with tumour in kidney.
Angiomyolipomas are the most common benign tumour in kidney. It may grow such that kidney function is impaired or the blood vessels may dilate and burst, leading to bleeding. One of such challenging case was operated by Dr. Piyush Varshney.
Best Workouts of Cold Weather
Exercise is safe for almost everyone, even in cold weather. But if you have certain conditions, such as asthma, heart problems or Raynaud's disease.
What can cause pelvic pain in a female?
Pelvic pain is a common complaint among women. Pelvic pain is a symptom that affects many women and can be caused by a wide variety of conditions and diseases.
Blood Pressure during Pregnency
It is severely important to maintain the blood pressure in the whole duration of pregnancy.